Hello! So... I've been trying to decide on what I would be doing for my first ever series and I have finally decided.

I love dolls, especially when I was a little pip squeek lol!
I'm super excited about this series because the creative window is so huge!!!
Anway, my first look is inspired by my favourite of them all... BARBIE! YEY!!
I remember when I was about 8 years old I had two MASSIVE tubs full of barbie dolls, and my mum used to go mad because I used to change all their clothes and ruin their hair. Oh the joys of childhood:)
This felt abit rushed as it was getting dark outside and the lighting in my room wasn't very good so I ended up stabbing my self in the eye when applying lashes, spilt eyeshadow all over the floor hahaha, and top top it all off I turned to my boyfriend (who was watching Rugby) and I asked him, 'when you look at my face, what do you think off?' I was perhaps a little optimistic when I thought he might say Barbie doll, I was right... He says ERM MAKEUP? lol some men ay?
Hope you liked this look, I already have lots of models lined up for my Dolls series so keep posted everyone!!!
Speak soon xxx